Niek Broens | Photography

Autumn colors

Sunny days with beautiful weather make way for the autumn. Weather changes and the rainy days are a fact. Outside colors change to autumn more
In short: A good time to grab the camera and go outside. For me a great opportunity to get the Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 Micro lens and try it in the field. In the "Autumn" collection of my portfolio you can loop trough the pictures which I have taken with the Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 Micro lens. Some of them are taken with a Teleconvertor (Nikon TC1.7 II) which changes the lens in a 179mm f/4,8 lens.
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Industrial Heritage : Landschaftspark, Duisburg, Germany read more
The foundry shot down in 1985. Since then nature flourished and delivered a beautiful scenery for taking photographs. For more information click here.
Januari 28th 2013 | changes the legal notice.
Januari 28th 2013 | had over 900 visitors this month.
Januari 19th 2013 | More than 500 pageviews since the release of V5 on Januari 18th 2013.
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Januari 19th 2013 | welcomes the 10.000th visitor of
Januari 18th 2013 | Version 5 now online!
Januari 13th 2013 | Entered the 2012-2013 Nikon Photo Contest
Januari 11th 2013 | Macro Photo's added.

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